How To Tell If Firewood is Seasoned

Imagine you’ve been tasked with gathering firewood for the winter. You know that if you want a good fire, you need to use seasoned wood. But what exactly does that mean?

One of the most common challenges people have when it comes to gathering firewood is not knowing how to tell if it’s seasoned properly. This can be tricky, because if the wood isn’t seasoned properly, your fire will likely be sporadic and may not last very long.

It can be tricky to determine if firewood is seasoned properly, but it’s important to do in order to ensure a good fire. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of seasoning your own firewood, how to tell if it’s been seasoned properly and what to do if it hasn’t. We’ll also cover buying pre-seasoned firewood and how to store it for the winter.

What is firewood seasoning and why is it important

Seasoning your firewood is important because it makes the wood easier to ignite, and it also makes the fire last longer. In fact, if you use unseasoned wood, your fire may not even start.

Seasoning firewood is simply the process of allowing the water inside the wood to evaporate. When trees are cut down, they still contain a lot of water inside their cells. This water needs to be evaporated before the wood can be used for fuel, otherwise, it will produce a lot of smoke and will be very difficult to ignite.

The benefits of seasoned firewood

When it comes to gathering firewood, seasoned wood is the best option. Not only is it easier to ignite, but it also makes the fire last longer. In fact, if you use unseasoned wood, your fire may not even start. Seasoned firewood has a number of benefits, including:

  • It’s easier to ignite
  • It produces less smoke
  • It burns more evenly
  • It produces more heat
  • It lasts longer

How to tell if firewood is seasoned

One of the most common challenges people have when it comes to gathering firewood is not knowing how to tell if it’s seasoned properly. This can be tricky, because if the wood isn’t seasoned properly, your fire will likely be sporadic and may not last very long.

It can be tricky to know if firewood is seasoned properly, but there are a few things you can look for:

  • The color of the wood – Seasoned wood is usually darker than unseasoned wood.
  • The texture of the wood – Seasoned wood is usually smoother and more polished than unseasoned wood.
  • The weight of the wood – Seasoned wood is typically lighter than unseasoned wood because the water has been evaporated.
  • The smell of the wood – Seasoned wood usually has a subtle, earthy smell. Unseasoned wood often has a strong, unpleasant smell.

If you’re still not sure if the firewood is seasoned properly, you can always test it out by trying to ignite it. Seasoned wood should ignite easily and produce little to no smoke.

Seasoning your own firewood

If you’re planning on seasoning your own firewood, there are a few things you need to know. First, it’s important to only season wood that has been cut for at least six months. This will give the wood time to dry out and will make it easier to season.

Next, you’ll need to split the wood into smaller pieces. This will help the water evaporate more quickly. Once the wood is split, you can stack it in a dry, well-ventilated area.

It’s important to stack the wood off the ground and away from walls or other objects. This will allow air to circulate around the wood and will help the water evaporate more quickly.


You should check on the wood every few weeks to make sure it’s drying properly. If it’s not, you can move it to a drier area or add more ventilation.

Once the wood is completely dry, it’s ready to be used. You can store it in a dry, well-ventilated area until you’re ready to use it.

Buying pre-seasoned firewood

If you don’t have the time or resources to season your own firewood, you can always buy it pre-seasoned. This is wood that has been cut and split and then left to dry for at least six months.

Pre-seasoned firewood is a great option because it’s ready to be used immediately. It’s also typically more expensive than unseasoned wood, so you’ll want to make sure you’re buying it from a reputable source.

When buying pre-seasoned firewood, there are a few things you should look for:

  • The wood should be a deep, rich color.
  • The wood should be smooth and polished.
  • The wood should be lightweight.
  • The wood should have a subtle, earthy smell.

Storing pre-seasoned firewood for the winter

If you’re planning on storing firewood for the winter, there are a few things you need to do to make sure it lasts. First, you’ll need to find a dry, well-ventilated area to store it. This will help prevent the wood from rotting or molding.

Yay Well seasoned logs of firewood nicely stacked.

Next, you’ll need to cover the wood with a tarp or other waterproof material. This will help keep the moisture out and will also protect the wood from insects.

Finally, you’ll need to stack the wood off the ground. This will help prevent moisture from seeping into the wood and will also allow air to circulate around it.


In order to have a good fire, it’s important to use seasoned firewood. Determining if the wood is seasoned properly can be tricky, but there are a few things you can look for. If you’re still not sure, you can always test it out by trying to ignite it. Wood that has been properly seasoned should ignite easily and produce little to no smoke.

If you don’t have the time or resources to season your own firewood, you can always buy it pre-seasoned. Just make sure you’re buying it from a reputable source. And when storing firewood for the winter, be sure to find a dry, well-ventilated area and cover the wood with a tarp or other waterproof material. By following these tips, you can ensure that your firewood will last all winter long.


Can I buy pre-seasoned firewood?

Yes, you can buy pre-seasoned firewood. This is wood that has been cut and split and then left to dry for at least six months. Pre-seasoned firewood is a great option because it’s ready to be used immediately. Just make sure you’re buying it from a reputable source.

What are the benefits of seasoning my own firewood?

Seasoning your own firewood has a few benefits:

  • It’s cheaper than buying pre-seasoned wood.
  • You can control the quality of the wood.
  • You can make sure the wood is properly seasoned.
  • You can choose the type of wood you want to use.