How To Stack Firewood on a Pallet

You might want to stack firewood on a pallet if you have a lot of wood that needs to be stored, if you’re short on space, or if you want to make it easier to move the wood around. Stacking the wood in this way can help keep it organized and prevent it from toppling over.

The most common challenge people have when stacking firewood on a pallet is making sure the wood is secure and won’t topple over. If you don’t stack the wood correctly, it can easily fall off the pallet and create a mess. Another challenge is finding the right way to stack the wood so that it takes up as little space as possible.

It can be difficult to stack firewood on a pallet, especially if you don’t have much experience doing it. This article will teach you the best way to stack firewood on a pallet so that it’s secure and takes up as little space as possible.

1. Get a pallet

If you’re going to stack firewood on a pallet, you’ll need a pallet to do it. Pallets can be found at most hardware stores or lumberyards. You may need to cut the pallet down to size if it’s too large for your woodpile.


How to select a pallet

Look for a pallet that’s made of sturdy, treated wood. Avoid pallets that are made of softwood or have cracks or splinters. Another thing to keep in mind is the size of the pallet. Make sure it’s not too big or too small for your woodpile.

2. Cut the pallet to size, if necessary

If the pallet you’re using is too large for your woodpile, you’ll need to cut it down to size. Use a saw to cut the pallet to the correct size. Make sure the pallet is the right height and width for your woodpile.

Cutting pallets with a chainsaw
Cutting pallets with a chainsaw

How to Cut a Pallet

When you cut pallets, you need to use the right type of saw. A handsaw or circular saw will work fine. You may also want to use a jigsaw if the pallet is made of hardwood.

Be aware of the fact that cutting pallets can be dangerous. Wear gloves and eye protection to avoid getting hurt.

Pallets contain nails, so be careful when cutting them. Use a saw with a blade that’s designed to cut through nails, or your saw will dull quickly.

What Size Should I Cut the Pallet?

The size of the pallet will depend on the size of your woodpile. Make sure the pallet is big enough to hold all of the wood. But, don’t make it too big or it will be difficult to move around.

3. Stack the firewood on the pallet in an alternating pattern

Once you have a pallet that’s the right size, you can start stacking the wood. Begin by placing one piece of wood on the pallet. Then, add another piece of wood that’s perpendicular to the first one. Continue adding pieces of wood in this way until the pallet is full.

When is the pallet full?

A full pallet should be level with the top of your woodpile. If it’s not, you can add more wood to the pallet. But, don’t make the pallet too full or it will be difficult to move around, and easy to topple over.

4. Make sure each piece of wood is secure and won’t topple over

If you don’t stack the wood correctly, it can easily fall off the pallet and create a mess. Make sure each piece of wood is secure and won’t topple over. You can do this by using a tarp or sheet to cover the top of the wood.

Firewood on pallets with cages
Firewood on pallets with cages

How to stack the wood securely

There are a few different ways you can stack the wood so that it’s secure. One way is to use straps or ropes to tie the wood to the pallet. Another way is to hammer nails into the wood to keep it in place. If you’re using nails, make sure they’re big enough so they won’t come out easily.

How to prevent the wood from toppling over

There are a few things you can do to prevent the wood from toppling over. One is to use a tarp or sheet to cover the top of the wood. This will help hold it in place. Another way is to strap or rope the wood to the pallet. This will keep it from moving around.

5. Cover the top of the woodpile with a tarp or sheet

Once the wood is stacked securely on the pallet, you need to cover it with a tarp or sheet. This will help keep the wood dry and protected from the elements. Make sure the tarp or sheet is big enough to cover the entire woodpile.

You can also use a tarp to cover the sides of the woodpile. This will help keep the wood from getting too much sun or rain.

Make sure you don’t trap moisture under the tarp

If you cover the woodpile with a tarp, make sure you don’t trap moisture under the tarp. This can cause the wood to rot. To prevent this, you can use stakes to prop up the tarp. This will allow air to circulate under the tarp and keep the wood dry.

Remove the tarp in the summer

In the summer, you can remove the tarp to allow the wood to air out. This will help prevent the wood from getting too moist and rotting. Having the sun directly on the wood will also help kill any insects that may be in the wood.

Doing this will ensure your firewood is drying the fastest way possible on the pallet. It’s a little more effort, but it’s worth it to have dry firewood before the start of next winter.

6. Place the pallet in a dry, protected area

Now that the wood is stacked on the pallet and covered with a tarp or sheet, you need to find a place to put it. The best place for a woodpile is in a dry, protected area. This could be next to your house or in a shed or garage.

If you live in an area with a lot of snow, you may want to put the pallet on top of a raised platform. This will help keep the wood dry and prevent it from getting buried in the snow.

Make sure the area is well ventilated

It’s important to make sure the area where you’re storing the wood is well ventilated. This will help prevent the wood from getting too moist and rotting.

You can improve ventilation by opening up the tarp or sheet so air can circulate around the wood. You can also put some space between the pallet and the wall so air can flow freely.

7. Use the wood as needed

Now that the wood is stacked and protected, you can use it as needed. If you have a fireplace, you can use the wood to keep your home warm in the winter. If you have a wood stove, you can use it to cook food or boil water.


Wood stacking on a pallet can be difficult, but if done correctly it will help keep the wood dry and protected. There are different ways to secure the wood so that it doesn’t topple over, and you can also use a tarp to cover the top and sides of the pile. In the summer, you can remove the tarp to allow the wood to air out. Make sure you store the wood in a dry, protected area that is well ventilated.


Q: Can I stack the wood indoors?

A: Yes, you can stack the wood indoors if you have a dry, protected area that is well ventilated, and the wood is already well seasoned.

Q: How often should I check the woodpile?

A: You should check the woodpile every few weeks to make sure it’s still dry and protected. If you see any signs of rot, you should remove the affected wood from the pile.